Galileo Thermometer
Galileo Thermometer
Galileo Thermometer
Galileo Thermometer

Galileo Thermometer

The Galileo Thermometer is an elegant temperature reading device that every science geek needs. It is a sealed glass cylinder that contains clear liquid and glass bulbs that are all different densities. As the temperature changes, the balls rise and fall, giving you a temperature reading.

The temperature is read from the engraved metal discs that hang off each bulb – if a bulb is floating in the middle, that is the current temperature, or if some are at the top and some at the bottom the temperature will between the bulbs on either side of the gap.

There are 4 sizes of Galileo Thermometer available:

  • The 6" tall style has 4 glass balls
  • The 11" tall style has 6 glass balls
  • The 17" tall style has 10 glass balls
Regular price $29.99
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