Tiny Science
Tiny Science
Tiny Science

Tiny Science

How small is the tiniest ball of slime you can make? Find out with Tiny Science! This adorable miniature science lab features 20 prevision science instruments in a custom case. Mix up tiny chemistry experiments in itty-bitty beakers, test tubes and flasks. Peer at tiny specimens through the teeny-tiny magnifier. Everything stores back in teh case, and the wonderfully small size makes it perfect flor sleepovers or on-the-go science exploration adventures. The science activity book features 20 experiments and the science behind them. 

Tiny Science comes with lab cabinet, 3 test tubes and stand, beaker, Erlenmeyer flask, graduated cylinder, funnel, Petri dish with lid, balance scale and 3 weights, magnifier, stainless steel ruler, pipette, measuring scoop, and tiny science activity book. 

Regular price $24.99
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